Celebrating Kindvember® By Crafting Kindness
As we conclude the month of Kindvember, we invite you to continue scattering kindness by crafting kindness throughout the community!
Each year, as part of National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, we celebrate Kindvember in November. This initiative recognizes and honors kindness, one of our key mission values, and its importance in everything we do.

This week’s theme is Craft Kindness. We are inspired by a quote from Lucius Annaeus Seneca: “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.”
Scattering kindness by crafting kindness for someone can help make your community a better place. When someone does something kind for another person, the recipient of the act of kindness often feels grateful and encouraged to spread kindness to others. When you scatter kindness among others in your community, you increase your sense of connectivity with others and increase your own happiness. But more importantly, you make a difference in someone else’s life.
During the fifth week of Kindvember, here are a few ways you can scatter kindness by crafting kindness for someone else. Be sure to use #Kindvember2023 to share how you’re scattering kindness throughout the month!
- Cook a meal for a friend.
- Make a handmade card for a friend.
- Curate a playlist and send it to someone who needs a boost.
- Put together a care package for a loved one.
- Share your favorite kindness activity this month on social media using: #Kindvember2023
Thank you for joining us in our efforts to scatter kindness throughout Kindvember!