Superior Care, Superior Services
Our Levels of Care
We are one of the state’s most experienced hospice providers serving our communities for more than 45 years. Our superior hospice care is compassionate care for people facing a life-limiting illness or injury involving a team-oriented approach to expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support tailored to your needs.
Our four levels of hospice care include:

Routine Care: Patients receive hospice services in the setting
they call home.

Crisis Care: Patients receive care on a short-term continuous basis in order to monitor and manage uncontrolled symptoms.

General Inpatient Care: Patients receive care on a short-term basis in an inpatient facility to help relieve uncontrolled symptoms.

Respite Care: Patients receive care in a facility on a short-term basis, for up to five days, to provide relief for the caregiver.

We are your hospice. We are here for you.
You will have medical oversight with hospice and palliative care certified providers and nurses. Our care team includes board-certified hospice and palliative care providers, hospice-certified nurses, hospice-certified personal care specialists (state-tested home health aides), social workers, chaplains, bereavement counseling professionals, and volunteers. We will help you stay out of the hospital and stay wherever you call home.
Ohio’s Hospice services are available whenever you need us. You can call to speak with a nurse on our 24-hour support line at 1.800.653.4490 or receive support from our extended-hours team. Grief support services are available at no cost to our patients, their families, and members of our community.
For more information, call: 800.653.4490
We create personalized plans of care. Care may look different for each patient.