General Inpatient Care
With general inpatient care, patients receive care on short-term basis in an inpatient care center to help relieve uncontrolled symptoms. The goal is to control severe pain and stabilize symptoms so the patient can return home, if possible. Some patients may choose to spend their final days in an inpatient center as a neutral, safe space to be with family and loved ones.
Inpatient care can be provided in dedicated hospice care facilities or in specified areas of hospitals. In either location, acute care for uncontrolled and distressing physical or psychosocial symptoms can be provided that is not available inside the home.
Sometimes patients feel more comfortable receiving care in an inpatient care facility, in the form of a hospice care center or nursing home. Many other patients need inpatient care for acute, severe symptoms requiring medical attention.
Determining if inpatient care is right for you is best done through a conversation with your family or caregivers, primary care physician and hospice care team. They can help you and your loved ones make an informed decision.