Book Review: My Heart Hurts: A Grief Workbook for Children
Written by Karen Jaggers, LPC, “My Heart Hurts: A Grief Workbook for Children,” is geared to children, ages 3-7. This workbook is intended to help young children begin to understand the concepts of death and dying and the process of grieving. The language is concrete, concise and clear.

The book begins by comparing the stages of the human lifespan to that of a flower, a familiar concept for even young children. On each page, children are invited to draw their representation of the concept that was just introduced to them. The book explains that the body stops working for many reasons, and clarifies that pain and fear are no longer present after death.
This book references the spirit, but it does not limit or define where the spirit goes after death only suggesting that it goes on a “new adventure.” The parent is given the opportunity to direct this conversation with their child based on their own beliefs. This book is best served as a joint activity for the parent and child to share together to check for understanding and provide guidance
as needed.
The book also invites children to draw their feelings about their loss and ways they can cope and remember their loved one. This book will complement other books on the same topic and is unique in
its simplicity.
Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers
Ohio’s Hospice offers grief and bereavement support through our Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers, which provide a variety of services to the communities we serve. Support and education are provided by a team of counselors and social workers, all with significant experience and expertise in assisting grieving children, adolescents and adults. For more information about Pathways of Hope, click here.