End of Life Education for Clinicians
Hospice of Dayton is offering a day-long educational conference offering 6 Continuing Education Credits for nurses, social workers and nursing home administrators on Wednesday, March 11. Superior End of Life Care for Our Patients, Our Families and Ourselves will cover such topics as Regulatory Myths versus Clinical Realities in End of Life Care; Do’s and Don’ts of Dementia; Nutrition and Hydration Concerns at the End of Life; “Final Hours” Conversations: What to Say…And What Not to Say as Death Approaches; From Hurting to Healing: Supporting the Bereaved and Compassion Fatigue/Vicarious Trauma (When Caring Hurts.)
The program cost is $75 and includes CEU credits, educational materials, continental breakfast, lunch buffet and beverages throughout the day. The event will be held at Top of the Market, 32 Webster Street, from 8 am to 4 pm. Participants are invited to register online
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