Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio Celebrates Volunteer Accomplishments at Volunteer Appreciation Open House
As part of National Volunteer Month in April, Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio honored its dedicated volunteers at a Volunteer Appreciation Open House on April 28 at The Grove by The River in Newark, Ohio.
“Volunteers are an essential part of the mission of Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio. Our mission is to celebrate the lives of those we have the privilege of serving by providing superior care and superior services to each patient and family,” said Liz Adamshick, manager of Volunteer Services at Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio. “We’re grateful for our amazing volunteers. They make a difference in the lives of the patients and families we are honored and privileged to serve.”
Founded in 1982 by volunteers, Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Volunteers have been involved in all aspects the not-for-profit hospice’s mission.
“Visiting with patients, delivering supplies, assisting with office duties, and creating handmade items of comfort and support for patients and their families are just a few ways volunteers donate their time,” Adamshick said. “In addition, several of our volunteers are part of the American Pride® Veteran Care by Ohio’s Hospice program. These Veteran volunteers honor our Veteran patients by celebrating and thanking them for their service.”
Renee Sparks, general manager/executive vice president of Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio; Judy Moore, vice president of Clinical Care at Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio; and Andrea Baker, executive director – Columbus of Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio, presented awards at the event, conveying heartfelt messages of gratitude for the volunteers’ dedication and service. This was the first in-person appreciation event Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio has held since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In central Ohio, 145 volunteers gave nearly 6,800 hours of service in 2021 to help Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio care for patients and families in communities across a nine-county service area, including Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Hocking, Knox, Licking, Muskingum, and Perry counties.
Volunteers achieving milestone years of service honors were thanked for their time and skills:
- 5 Years: Molly Kurtz
- 10 Years: Cathy Beatty, Barb Chapman, Chanda Frenton, Bill Gockenbach, Ann Kloss, Thelma McCurdy, Cinny Pettibone, Darlene White
- 15 Years: Marilyn Dresser, Laura Evans, Ann Robinson, Carol Stoffel
- 20 Years: Joann Baker and Carole Wachtel
American Pride® Veteran Care by Ohio’s Hospice Veteran Support Team
Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio also recognized members of the American Pride® Veteran Care by Ohio’s Hospice Veteran Support Team for their dedication in companioning and conducting Veteran recognition ceremonies for Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio Veteran patients. Those recognized include Mike Havens, Joe Kennedy, Karen Kinlin, Joe Machado, Becky Randall, Bob Stafford, and Martin Stires.
Annual Service Awards
Several service awards were presented to Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio volunteers.
- The Volunteer Champion Award is given to a paid staff member who provides guidance, support and consistent appreciation for their volunteer teammates. This award was presented to Lisa Wagner, a nurse at the Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio inpatient care center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Wagner was nominated by volunteer Zachery Lewald.
- The Spirit of Hospice of the Year Award is given to an active first-year volunteer who has embodied the spirit of giving his or her time and talents to Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio. This award was presented to Kevin Lin of Columbus, Ohio. Lin volunteers at the Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio inpatient care center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. He was nominated by Ashley Oberle, Misty Straney and Angela Prince, nurses and clinical staff at the inpatient care center.
- The Fran Morris Essence of Teamwork Award is given to an active volunteer who demonstrates a high level of consistency, dependability and willingness to learn. This award was presented to Beth Morris of Newark, Ohio. Beth was nominated by Jill Moore, administrative assistant; Michelle Roberts, excellence educator; and Sue Grube, team leader.
- The Center of Care Award is given to a volunteer who is active in direct patient or family care and exemplifies the care offered to the patients and families of Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio. This award was presented to Ellie Smith, of Canal Winchester, Ohio. She is a patient companion and was nominated by Ruth Robson, social worker coordinator at Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio.
- The Kathleen M. Brown Leadership Award is given annually to an active volunteer who has consistently demonstrated strong leadership abilities, whose service involves multiple levels of involvement, and who has made a positive impact in the fulfillment of the organization’s mission. Becky Meigs of Pataskala, Ohio, was this year’s recipient. She was nominated by Julie Patton, program manager for the Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio inpatient care center at Licking Memorial Hospital.
The evening culminated in the presentation of the organization’s Selma Markowitz Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is given for lifetime service to one active volunteer who has demonstrated commitment over time to the organization’s mission and who has made a positive impact on that mission as well the organization’s growth. Joe Machado of Baltimore, Ohio, was this year’s recipient. He was nominated by Ruth Robson, social worker coordinator, for his extensive involvement in the Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio American Pride® Veteran Care by Ohio’s Hospice program, supporting Veterans at the end of life.
Special thanks to the event sponsors, which included Park National Bank, lead sponsor, and Granville Investment Group, champion sponsor. Gifts for the award recipients were donated by Groovy Plants Ranch. The event was catered by Doug’s Far Side Catering.
To learn more about volunteering with Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio, please visit: www.HospiceofCentralOhio.org/Volunteers/ or call 740.788.1404.
Ohio’s Hospice of Central Ohio, an affiliate of Ohio’s Hospice, has provided a holistic, community-based approach to hospice care since 1982. With locations in Newark, Columbus, Lancaster and Zanesville, the not-for-profit organization serves nine counties in central Ohio and is dedicated to supporting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients and families facing life-limiting illnesses. In addition, two inpatient care centers at Licking Memorial Hospital and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center are available for symptom management.