Book Review: What’s Your Grief? Lists to Help You Through Any Loss
Written by Eleanor Haley, MS, and Litsa Williams, MA, LCSW-C, the creators of the website WhatsYourGrief.com, this book will be a great resource for anyone who has suffered any kind of loss. Whether it is the death of a loved one or the loss of a job, this book offers practical and easy-to-read information about what grief is and isn’t, as well as helpful suggestions about how to cope with the myriad of emotions that follow a significant loss.
Each chapter consists of lists that contain education about grief and mourning. For example, one chapter offers “a test of your current grief-myth radar” using a true-or-false quiz format. Another presents myths such as “grief follows a set of stages” and “time heals all wounds.” That chapter goes on to dispel those misconceptions and provides information about the realities of the grief journey.
“Ways to get comfortable with grief” are explored in Chapter 5, which explains there are no “shoulds” or “should nots” concerning the feelings we experience in grief. The authors discuss examples, such as judging our grief experience or feeling it should be other than what it is and being worried about others’ reactions to our grief, which can hinder coping. Another chapter lists statements like “You know you’re making progress in grief when … ” followed by answers such as, “when you can get out of bed” and “when you stop obsessing over what could have or should have been and accept how it is.”
As they do on their website, WhatsYourGrief.com, which we also recommend, Haley and Williams emphasize that all grief is unique and that no book will ever perfectly describe your personal grief journey. However, using a down-to-earth approach, this book pulls together useful concepts and coping skills to help you reflect on your unique relationship with grief and loss.
Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers
Ohio’s Hospice offers grief and bereavement support through our Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers, which provide a variety of services to the communities we serve. Support and education are provided by a team of counselors and social workers, all with significant experience and expertise in assisting grieving children, adolescents and adults.
For more information about Pathways of Hope, click here.